Participation Memo: Ut Prosim
- Due: 12/20
- Points: 100
In this assignment, you must write a basic memo that reports on how you contributed to this class as a colleague. The main objective of this assignment is to reflect on one’s own ability to contribute to a collegial effort to learn, meet, and even exceed the class/project objectives.
Complete your memo by responding to the following prompts:
- At the beginning, make a claim about what participation grade you deserve, and use the subsequent prompts to make a case for that grade.
- Discuss how you participated within the class and group discussions.
- Discuss how you contributed to the group activities.

- Submit it as a Google Document within your final Google Drive folder. (See the directions for this folder on the schedule: Week 17)
- Use the following filenaming scheme: ln-fi-participation-memo.
- Use the following template as a baseline format for the Google Document.
- Makes clear claims about personal and collegial participation in and outside of class
- Backs up claims with evidence
- Provides descriptive headings
- Adheres to memo formats, as listed below:
- 1-2 pages, single-spaced, left-flush alignment, 1” margins
- Complete top-matter with To, From, Subject, and Date lines
- Clear separation between top-matter and body
- Professional typographical choices between heading and paragraph text