Writing HTML

Some content modified from a Girl Develop It slideshow.

In this lecture:

  • General knowledge
  • Basic HTML Tags
  • Basic Layout/Display Information

What is HTML?

Hyper Text Markup Language

Anatomy of a Website

  • Content: Text, Media
  • +  HTML: Structure + Semantics
  • +   CSS: Presentation + Design
  • +    JS: Interactivity
  • = Your Website


Basic Anatomy of an HTML tag

  • Each tag has a "start tag" , an "end tag" , some content in between them, and multiple types of attributes.
<tagname attribute="value">

<a href="http://www.google.com">
  • Tags == "commands" for the browser
  • In the ex. above, the <a> tag stands for "anchor," the href attribute stands for "hyper-reference," and the value, a URL, is assigned to the attribute of the anchor tag.

Anatomy of an HTML tag

Screenshot of Codepen of basic HTML tag anatomy.

Link to Codepen

MIME Type + <html>

<!doctype html>
  • The doctype isn't an actual tag, but it needs to be at start at every HTML page to tell browser which version of HTML you're using (HTML5 here).
  • The html is the root of the page.

<head> element

<!doctype html>
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <title>The title of your page goes here</title>
  • The <head> contains "meta" information about the page: information that the browser needs before rendering. Note: It also includes <link> tags to your CSS stylesheets.
  • Comprehensive list of available <meta> tags.

<body> Element

<!doctype html>
    <meta charset="utf-8">
    <title>Title of your page goes here</title>
    Bulk of your content here.
  • The body contains the actual content of the page.
  • Take a moment and write this html in your index.html file. Then, save it, commit it, and push the committed changes to your repo on Github.

A visual example of what could be written in the <body>

Visual example of a structured HTML document.

/* questions? */

The Basics of HTML Tags

Inline vs. Block Elements

Image from Duckett demonstrating difference between inline and block elements.

Block Elements

  • Act like "building blocks," so they start on new line in the document.
  • Differ from inline elements, since block elements have width and height properties that you can change.
  • Inline elements have a width, but is contingent on the size of the inline object itself.
  • With CSS, you can control the spacing between block elements: borders, margins, padding, and background colors.
  • With CSS, you can modify the width and height of the block element. (Sounds easy, but can become difficult with nested block element relationships.)

Example block elements

<div>; <article>; <section>; <h1>, <h2>, <h3> ...; <p>, etc.

Inline Elements

  • Flow in-between surrounding text/content.
  • Examples: <img>, <b>, <em>
  • Note: The <img> element is actually an inline-block element, so you can modify the dimensional and position properties.
  • For more information, reference MDN's Inline Elements

Block vs. Inline Contexts

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Looking Ahead: CSS Defines Different Positioning Schemes for Changing Flows
(See Duckett, pp. 363-364)

  • Normal flow
  • Relative flow
    • Float: float: left;
    • Absolute positioning: position: absolute;
    • Fixed positioning: position: fixed;

Elements are Defined by the Box Model

box model consists of content, padding, border and margin

Codepen Sandbox: Inline & Block Elements

  • Part of your homework to review before Wednesday's class:

See the Pen HTML: Block and Inline Elements by Chris Lindgren (@lndgrn) on CodePen.

/* questions? */

Practice Writing <html>

(Navigate back to your index.html file.)

Write Some Block Elements
(with some attributes)

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <title>My DataStory</title>
  <article id="datastory">
    <section id="personal-digital">
    <section id="social-digital">
  <footer id="resources">

Write Some More Block Elements

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <meta charset="utf-8" />
  <title>My DataStory</title>
  <article id="datastory">
    <section id="personal-digital">

      <h1>Personal Digital Data</h1>
      <p>Here is a placeholder paragraph.</p>

    <section id="social-digital">

      <h1>Social Digital Data</h1>
      <p>Here is a placeholder paragraph.</p>

  <footer id="resources">

      <li>Resource 1</li>
      <li>Resource 2</li>


Write Some Inline Elements

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <title>My DataStory</title>
  <article id="datastory">
    <section id="personal-digital">
      <h1>Personal Digital Data</h1>
        Here is a placeholder paragraph, and I should <em>emphasize
    <section id="social-digital">
      <h1>Social Digital Data</h1>
        Here is a placeholder paragraph.
  <footer id="resources">
        <a href="http://www.resourceurl.info/useful-info.html" target="_blank">
          Resource 1</a>
      <li>Resource 2</li>

External and Internal <a> Links

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <title>My DataStory</title>
  <article id="datastory">
    <section id="personal-digital">
      <h1>Personal Digital Data</h1>
        Here is a placeholder paragraph, and I should <em>emphasize
    <section id="social-digital">
      <h1>Social Digital Data</h1>
        Here is a placeholder paragraph. Here is an example of an internal
        link, where I reference <a href="#personal-data">something else</a>
        on the page by using an ID attribute to navigate to that particular
        element located on the page.
  <footer id="resources">
        <a href="http://www.resourceurl.info/useful-info.html" target="_blank">
          Resource 1</a>
      <li>Resource 2</li>

Write an <img> Element

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <meta charset="utf-8" />
    <title>My DataStory</title>
  <article id="datastory">
    <section id="personal-digital">
      <h1>Personal Digital Data</h1>
      <!-- What kind of element is an img: block or inline? -->
      <img src="http://via.placeholder.com/350x150" alt="A placeholder image." />
        Here is a placeholder paragraph, and I should <em>emphasize</em>.
    <section id="social-digital">
      <h1>Social Digital Data</h1>
        Here is a placeholder paragraph.
  <footer id="resources">
        <a href="http://www.resourceurl.info/useful-info.html" target="_blank">
          Resource 1</a>
      <li>Resource 2</li>

/* Recap with Your Browser's Inspect Element Tool */


  • What is HTML?
  • Basic Tags
  • Basic Layout Behaviors